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이런 분들에게 필요합니다

대학교⬝대학원 정규 과정을 수강하시는 분

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웹사이트 기획서 등


대학(원) 입학이나 취업을 준비하시는 분

자기소개서, 이력서, 커버레터,
인터뷰 스크립트, 추천서 등


후기가 증명하는 브릿센트 에디팅

고객님들이 브릿센트를 선택한 이유!
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Guarantee No.1 quality in English
Yuna Yang

Whenever I need some help of my English write-up, I use Britcent. It is considerably difficult to find excellent British editors, especially in Korea. But Britcent provides an edited file with detail explanations and comments. They also suggests me new and fancy phrase I cannot come up with alone. Furthermore, staffs are also friendly and supportive. Sometimes even in the weekends they also responded my requests. I could say that every service of Britcent is perfect and no.1 quality.

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앞으로 자주 이용할 예정입니다.

업무상 영국회사에 메일을 보내야 할 일이 생겼는데, 매우 중요한 일인 만큼, 자연스럽고 정확하게 메일을 보내고 싶어 에디팅을 의뢰하게 되었습니다.
사실 저는 수강생이기도 하고, 라이팅챌린지를 통해서 에디터 분들이 얼마나 꼼꼼하고 자세하게 봐주시는지 알고 있었기에 더 망설임 없이 요청드렸던 것도 있어요. 회신도 빨리 주셨고 퀄리티도 만족스럽습니다. 단순이 번역을 해주시는게 아니라, 제가 무슨 이야기를 하고자 하시는지 많이 고민하시며 작성해 주신게 느껴져서 감동입니다. 앞으로 꾸준히 이용할 생각입니다.

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Highly recommend the proofreading service

I had previously worked with quite a few professional editors for my doctoral thesis but was never fully satisfied. This time I chose Britcent's proofreading service, and got impressed by the quality and the result on time. David goes the extra mile to understand the context to make the most constructive and accurate suggestions possible. Would definitely use their service again.

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Britcent review

great quality of editing.

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Highly recommended Britcent's editing service.

I'm fully satisfied with Britcent's editing. I needed 1100 words essay to be edited for a writing sample and the editor meticulously edited and suggested better sentences than mine. It was worthwhile to request. I highly recommend you Britcent editing service!

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